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Stand Alone Environment (SAE)

Since its introduction in 1990,
SAE has been the standard for
Repair, Recovery and Data
Erasure of  z Systems.

Stand Alone Environment (SAE)

SAE is a self-contained, self loading system software utility. It provides immediate access to system datasets through an ISPF-like editor without an active MVS system. Its integrated applications include:
  • Action Services - Provides complete access to all DASD devices and datasets to make system repairs. Its tool set includes edit, zap, browse, rename, save, delete, undelete, and catalog list/alter.
  • Stand-Alone Restore - Simply the fastest way to restore a dataset. You can restore a single dataset or member originally created using IEBCOPY, IEBGENER, DFSMSdss or FDR.
  • Image Services - Aids users in the repair of System Images by automatically isolating the components that comprise a specific image, almost instantaneously.
  • Hardware Confirmation - Allows users to verify hardware installations without IPLing the system.
  • Fast DASD Erase - Allows users to erase mission-critical and/or personal data at the end of a Disaster Recovery test.